
  • Transforming Children’s Lives

    Millions of children – as many as 1 in 5 – struggle with mental health or learning challenges. Fully 70% of U.S. counties do not have a single child and adolescent psychiatrist. Due to stigma, misinformation, and a lack of access to care, the average time between onset of symptoms and any treatment at all is over 8 years. Our children deserve better.

    That’s why the Child Mind Institute was created.

    We’re dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders by giving them the help they need. We’ve become the leading independent nonprofit in children’s mental health by providing gold-standard evidence-based care, delivering educational resources to millions of families each year, training educators in underserved communities, and developing tomorrow’s breakthrough treatments.

    Together, we truly can transform children’s lives.

    Conscious Discipline is a comprehensive emotional intelligence and classroom management system that integrates all domains of learning (social, emotional, physical, cultural and cognitive) into one seamless curriculum.

    Second Step® Programs Support Families

    As parents and caregivers, you are your child’s first and most important teachers, and play a vital role in their social, emotional, and academic development. Your child’s classroom teachers are here to support you in this, and the Second Step family of programs is one of the tools they’re using.

    Second Step programs combine discussions with fun activities and family resources. The programs help children learn social-emotional skills such as responsible decision-making, working together to solve problems, managing strong emotions, and getting along with others. These skills can help children succeed academically and socially.

    The resources on this page provide information about social-emotional learning and the different Second Step programs. We’re proud to partner with your child’s school to offer our research-based, classroom-tested curricula that help make schools safe, supportive learning environments.